Phra That Phanom
Phra That Phanom is located 50 kilometers from Nakhon Phanom town on Highway No. 212. It is the most important Buddhist site in the province. A 53-meters tall square-shaped pagoda, it was believed to have been built before the 12th century. The pagoda, which is believed to have originally been of Khmer design, was renovated through the years to its present Laotian design. The pagoda enshrines the holy relics of the Lord Buddha. On August 11, 1975 at 7 p.m., the entire pagoda collapsed after many days of rainstorm. The Thai public subsequently made considerable donations to rebuild the pagoda to its original splendor. People placed many valuables inside and placed a 110-kilogram solid gold spire on top of the pagoda.
Phra That Phanom is located 50 kilometers from Nakhon Phanom town on Highway No. 212. It is the most important Buddhist site in the province. A 53-meters tall square-shaped pagoda, it was believed to have been built before the 12th century. The pagoda, which is believed to have originally been of Khmer design, was renovated through the years to its present Laotian design. The pagoda enshrines the holy relics of the Lord Buddha. On August 11, 1975 at 7 p.m., the entire pagoda collapsed after many days of rainstorm. The Thai public subsequently made considerable donations to rebuild the pagoda to its original splendor. People placed many valuables inside and placed a 110-kilogram solid gold spire on top of the pagoda.